• Image of Labradorite Pentacle

You need labradorite in your life mainly because it’s a stone of transformation. This is a stone that will help you become the person that you are destined to be. It will cleanse your aura and work with your chakras to remove the bad habits, thoughts, and feelings that are preventing you from reaching your full potential.

Labradorite Example
A stunning blue green colored piece of Labradorite
The labradorite crystal can also boost your psychic abilities and sharpen your intuition. You will possess a psychic knowing that will make you more confident about taking action, expressing what you feel, and following your inspiration!

This stone may look just like a very pretty stone, but it can also strengthen your willpower and spiritual focus. Its energies can give you a sense of purposefulness, and it will help you develop new ideas or find joy and enthusiasm in what you are doing.

Labradorite is also a stone of magic that can awaken your magical, mystical, or psychic abilities. It will clear your aura and seal it to prevent the good energy from leaking. The labradorite stone’s vibrations can also give you protection against negativity.

If you are very busy day in and day out, whether at work or at home, labradorite can stimulate your imagination and relax your overactive mind. It’s the perfect stone to have on you when you want to both be energized and soothed!
There are many benefits to be had with the labradorite crystal. More than its prettiness and elegance factors, this crystal is also known for its strong healing properties.

For starters, labradorite can help relieve stress and anxiety. That’s because the energy that you get from this crystal can cleanse your body of toxins. It can also remove other harmful energies brought by other people that you meet or deal with every day.

Labradorite crystal can also help treat eye or brain disorders and respiratory problems like colds or bronchitis. It can also relieve symptoms brought on by gout or rheumatism.

It’s good for women who have heart conditions or heart problems because it’s also very effective in lowering your blood pressure. It can even address hormonal imbalance and relieve pains suffered from having your mensuration.

It’s a good aid in digestion and can help in regulating your metabolism as well. It will stimulate mental awareness, making you more immune to depression or feelings of hopelessness.

Quite a sizeable pendant designed for a long chain or chord. 10mm rounds used in this piece, smaller available on request.